Source code for arez.cache

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import logging
from itertools import chain
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, cast

from .items import Device
from .endpoint import Endpoint
from .mixins import CacheClient
from .champion import Champion, Skin
from .enums import Language, DeviceType
from .utils import group_by, Lookup, WeakValueDefaultDict
from .exceptions import HTTPException, Unavailable, LimitReached

    from . import responses
    from .champion import Ability

__all__ = [
logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)

[docs]class DataCache(Endpoint, CacheClient): """ A data cache, cappable of storing multiple cached entires of different languages, managing their fetching, refreshing and expiration times. Inherits from `Endpoint`. .. note:: You can request your developer ID and authorization key `here. <>`_ .. warning:: The main API class uses this class as base, so all of it's methods are already available there. This class is listed here solely for documentation purposes. Instanting it yourself is possible, but not recommended. Parameters ---------- url : str The cache's base endpoint URL. dev_id : int | str Your developer's ID (devId). auth_key : str Your developer's authentication key (authKey). enabled : bool When set to `False`, this disables the data cache. This makes most objects returned from the API be `CacheObject` instead of their respective data-rich counterparts. Defaults to `True`. initialize : bool | Language When set to `True`, it launches a task that will initialize the cache with the default (English) language.\n Can be set to a `Language` instance, in which case that language will be set as default first, before initializing.\n Defaults to `False`, where no initialization occurs. loop : asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None The event loop you want to use for this data cache.\n Default loop is used when not provided. """ def __init__( self, url: str, dev_id: int | str, auth_key: str, *, enabled: bool = True, initialize: bool | Language = False, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None = None, ): super().__init__(url, dev_id, auth_key, loop=loop) CacheClient.__init__(self, self) # assign CacheClient recursively here self._default_language: Language if isinstance(initialize, Language): # pragma: no cover self._default_language = initialize else: self._default_language = Language.English self._cache: dict[Language, CacheEntry] = {} self._locks: WeakValueDefaultDict[Any, asyncio.Lock] = WeakValueDefaultDict( lambda: asyncio.Lock() ) self.cache_enabled = enabled self.refresh_every = timedelta(hours=12) if initialize: # pragma: no cover self._loop.create_task(self.initialize()) # solely for typing, __aexit__ exists in the Endpoint async def __aenter__(self) -> DataCache: return cast(DataCache, await super().__aenter__()) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def set_default_language(self, language: Language): """ Sets the default language used by the cache in places where one is not provided by the user.\n The default language set is `Language.English`. Parameters ---------- language : Language The new default language you want to set. """ if not isinstance(language, Language): raise TypeError( f"language argument has to be of arez.Language type, got {type(language)}" )"cache.set_default_language(language={})") self._default_language = language
[docs] async def initialize(self, *, language: Language | None = None) -> bool: """ Initializes the data cache, by pre-fetching and storing the `CacheEntry` for the default language currently set. .. note:: This will both, force the champion information fetching, as well as cache the resulting object. Parameters ---------- language : Language | None The `Language` you want to initialize the information for.\n Default language is used if not provided. Returns ------- bool `True` if the initialization succeeded without problems, `False` otherwise. """ if language is None: language = self._default_language"cache.initialize(language={})") try: entry = await self._fetch_entry(language, force_refresh=True, cache=True) # allow Unauthorized to bubble up here; NotFound doesn't apply except (HTTPException, Unavailable, LimitReached): # pragma: no cover return False return bool(entry)
async def _fetch_entry( self, language: Language, *, force_refresh: bool = False, cache: bool | None = None ) -> CacheEntry | None: # Use a lock here to ensure no race condition between checking for an entry # and setting a new one. Use separate locks per each language. async with self._locks[f"cache_fetch_{}"]: now = datetime.utcnow() entry = self._cache.get(language) if not force_refresh and entry is not None and now < entry._expires_at: logger.debug( f"cache.fetch_entry(language={}, " f"{force_refresh=}, {cache=}) -> using cached" ) return entry logger.debug( f"cache.fetch_entry(language={}, " f"{force_refresh=}, {cache=}) -> fetching new" ) champions_data = await self.request("getchampions", language.value) items_data = await self.request("getitems", language.value) skins_data = await self.request("getchampionskins", -1, language.value) # Don't strictly enforce skins_data to be there, unless there's no cached entry yet. # The reason is: the skins list that's returned right now is quite incomplete, # and the only useful information it provides, is Rarity. Failing the whole refresh, # just due to the skins list missing, would be quite unfortunate. if not champions_data or not items_data or (entry is None and not skins_data): logger.debug( f"cache.fetch_entry(language={}, {force_refresh=}, {cache=})" " -> fetching failed, using cached" ) return entry expires_at = now + self.refresh_every entry = CacheEntry(self, language, expires_at, champions_data, items_data, skins_data) logger.debug( f"cache.fetch_entry(language={}, {force_refresh=}, {cache=})" " -> fetching completed" ) if cache is None: cache = self.cache_enabled if cache: self._cache[language] = entry return entry async def _ensure_entry(self, language: Language | None) -> CacheEntry | None: if language is None: language = self._default_language if not self.cache_enabled: return self.get_entry(language) logger.debug(f"cache.ensure_entry(language={})") entry = await self._fetch_entry(language) return entry
[docs] def get_entry(self, language: Language | None = None) -> CacheEntry | None: """ Returns a cache entry for the given language specified. .. note:: This method can return `None` or stale data if the entry hasn't been fetched yet, or haven't been updated in a while.\n Consider using the `get_champion_info` method from the main API instead. Parameters ---------- language : Language | None The `Language` you want to get the entry in.\n Default language is used if not provided. Returns ------- CacheEntry | None The cache entry you requested.\n `None` is returned if the entry for the language specified hasn't been fetched yet. """ if language is None: language = self._default_language"cache.get_entry(language={})") return self._cache.get(language)
[docs]class CacheEntry: """ Represents a collection of champions, cards, talents and shop items. You can get this one from the `PaladinsAPI.get_champion_info` or `DataCache.get_entry` methods. .. note:: The `Lookup` class provides an easy way of searching for a particular object, based on its Name or ID. You can also obtain a list of all objects instead. Please see the example code below: .. code-block:: py entry: CacheEntry # obtain a list of all champions champions = list(entry.champions) # get a particular champion by their name champion = entry.champions.get("Androxus") # fuzzy name matching champion = entry.champions.get_fuzzy("andro") Attributes ---------- language : Language The language of this entry. champions : Lookup[Champion] An object that lets you iterate over all champions. abilities : Lookup[Ability] An object that lets you iterate over all champion's abilities. skins : Lookup[Skin] An object that lets you iterate over all champion's skins. items : Lookup[Device] An object that lets you iterate over all shop items. cards : Lookup[Device] An object that lets you iterate over all cards. talents : Lookup[Device] An object that lets you iterate over all talents. devices : Lookup[Device] An object that lets you iterate over all devices (shop items, cards and talents). """ def __init__( self, cache: DataCache, language: Language, expires_at: datetime, champions_data: list[responses.ChampionObject], items_data: list[responses.DeviceObject], skins_data: list[responses.ChampionSkinObject], ): self._cache = cache self.language = language self._expires_at = expires_at # process devices (shop items, cards and talents) sorted_devices: dict[int, list[Device]] = {} items = [] cards = [] talents = [] for device_data in items_data: device = Device(device_data) device_type = device.type if device_type == DeviceType.Undefined: # skip invalid / unknown devices continue sorted_devices.setdefault(device_data["champion_id"], []).append(device) if device_type == DeviceType.Card: cards.append(device) elif device_type == DeviceType.Talent: talents.append(device) elif device_type == DeviceType.Item: # pragma: no branch items.append(device) self.items: Lookup[Device, Device] = Lookup(items) Lookup[Device, Device] = Lookup(cards) self.talents: Lookup[Device, Device] = Lookup(talents) self.devices: Lookup[Device, Device] = Lookup(chain(items, talents, cards)) # pre-process skins (sort per champion) skins = group_by(skins_data, key=lambda s: s["champion_id"]) # process champions self.champions: Lookup[Champion, Champion] = Lookup( Champion( self._cache, language, champ_data, sorted_devices.get(champ_data["id"], []), skins.get(champ_data["id"], []), ) for champ_data in champions_data ) # process abilities self.abilities: Lookup[Ability, Ability] = Lookup( ability for champion in self.champions for ability in champion.abilities ) # process skins self.skins: Lookup[Skin, Skin] = Lookup( skin for champion in self.champions for skin in champion.skins ) logger.debug( f"CacheEntry(language={}, expires_at={self._expires_at}, " f"len(champions)={len(self.champions)}, len(devices)={len(self.devices)}, " f"len(items)={len(self.items)}, len(cards)={len(}, " f"len(talents)={len(self.talents)}, len(skins)={len(self.skins)}) -> created" )