Source code for arez.endpoint

from __future__ import annotations

import aiohttp
import asyncio
import logging
from hashlib import md5
from random import gauss
from platform import python_version
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Literal, overload

from . import responses
from .utils import CacheDict
from . import __version__, __author__
from .exceptions import HTTPException, Unauthorized, Unavailable, LimitReached

__all__ = ["Endpoint"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)
SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=15)
USER_AGENT = f"Python {python_version()}: aRez {__version__} by {__author__}"

def _timeout(total: int) -> aiohttp.ClientTimeout:
    return aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=total, connect=5)

_BASE_TIMEOUTS: CacheDict[int, aiohttp.ClientTimeout] = CacheDict(_timeout)

TIMEOUTS: dict[str, aiohttp.ClientTimeout] = {
    # default timeout is 5s
    "getgods": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getitems": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getchampions": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "searchplayers": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getqueuestats": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getbountyitems": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getmatchdetails": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getmatchhistory": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getplayeridbyname": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getplayerloadouts": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getmatchplayerdetails": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getplayeridsbygamertag": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getplayeridbyportaluserid": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[10],
    "getfriends": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[20],
    "getplayerbatch": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[20],
    "getmatchidsbyqueue": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[20],
    "getmatchdetailsbatch": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[20],
    # hopefully long enough for the backend to process the data
    "getchampionskins": _BASE_TIMEOUTS[30],

def _get_timeout(method_name: str) -> aiohttp.ClientTimeout:
    return TIMEOUTS.get(method_name, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

[docs]class Endpoint: """ Represents a basic Hi-Rez endpoint URL wrapper, for handling response types and session creation. .. note:: You can request your developer ID and authorization key `here. <>`_ .. warning:: The main API and data cache classes use this class as base, so all of it's methods are already available there. This class is listed here solely for documentation purposes. Instanting it yourself is possible, but not recommended. Parameters ---------- url : str The endpoint's base URL. dev_id : int | str Your developer's ID (devId). auth_key : str Your developer's authentication key (authKey). loop : asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None The event loop you want to use for this Endpoint.\n Default loop is used when not provided. """ def __init__( self, url: str, dev_id: int | str, auth_key: str, *, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None = None, ): if loop is None: # pragma: no cover loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._loop = loop self.url = url.rstrip('/') self._session_key = '' self._session_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._session_expires = datetime.utcnow() self._http_session = aiohttp.ClientSession( headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, loop=loop ) self.__dev_id = str(dev_id) self.__auth_key = auth_key.upper() def __del__(self): # pragma: no cover self._http_session.detach()
[docs] async def close(self): """ Closes the underlying API connection. Attempting to make a request after the connection is closed will result in a `RuntimeError`. """ await self._http_session.close()
async def __aenter__(self) -> Endpoint: # pragma: no cover return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, traceback): # use local close - this handles subclased close method too await self.close() def _get_signature(self, method_name: str, timestamp: str): return md5( ''.join((self.__dev_id, method_name, self.__auth_key, timestamp)).encode() ).hexdigest() # API ping @overload async def request(self, method_name: Literal["ping"], /) -> str: ... # session creation @overload async def request(self, method_name: Literal["createsession"], /) -> responses.SessionObject: ... # session testing # note - session_key is optional, internal session is used if not provided @overload async def request(self, method_name: Literal["testsession"], session_key: str = '', /) -> str: ... # patch info @overload async def request(self, method_name: Literal["getpatchinfo"], /) -> responses.PatchInfoObject: ... # API usage stats @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getdataused"], /, ) -> list[responses.DataUsedObject]: ... # server status @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["gethirezserverstatus"], /, ) -> list[responses.ServerStatusObject]: ... # champions data @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getgods", "getchampions"], language_value: int, /, ) -> list[responses.ChampionObject]: ... # items / devices data @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getitems"], language_value: int, /, ) -> list[responses.DeviceObject]: ... # champion skins data @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getchampionskins"], champion_id: int, language_value: int, /, ) -> list[responses.ChampionSkinObject]: ... # player information @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getplayer", "getplayerbatch"], name_or_id: int | str, /, ) -> list[responses.PlayerObject]: ... # match information @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getmatchdetails", "getmatchdetailsbatch"], match_ids: int | str, # single or comma-delimited string /, ) -> list[responses.MatchPlayerObject]: ... # live match information @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getmatchplayerdetails"], match_id: int, /, ) -> list[responses.LivePlayerObject]: ... # partial players - PC platform only @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getplayeridbyname"], name: str, /, ) -> list[responses.PartialPlayerObject]: ... # partial players - console platforms only @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getplayeridsbygamertag", "getplayeridbyportaluserid"], portal_id: int, name_or_id: str | int, /, ) -> list[responses.PartialPlayerObject]: ... # searching players @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["searchplayers"], name: str, /, ) -> list[responses.PlayerSearchObject]: ... # getting match IDs by queue @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getmatchidsbyqueue"], queue_value: int, date: str, hour: str, /, ) -> list[responses.MatchSearchObject]: ... # bounty items @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getbountyitems"], /, ) -> list[responses.BountyItemObject]: ... # player status @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getplayerstatus"], player_id: int, /, ) -> list[responses.PlayerStatusObject]: ... # player friends @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getfriends"], player_id: int, /, ) -> list[responses.PlayerFriendObject]: ... # player's champion loadouts @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getplayerloadouts"], player_id: int, language_value: int, /, ) -> list[responses.ChampionLoadoutObject]: ... # overall god / champion stats @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getgodranks", "getchampionranks"], player_id: int, /, ) -> list[responses.ChampionRankObject]: ... # per-queue champion stats @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getqueuestats"], player_id: int, queue_value: int, /, ) -> list[responses.ChampionQueueRankObject]: ... # player's history matches @overload async def request( self, method_name: Literal["getmatchhistory"], player_id: int, /, ) -> list[responses.HistoryMatchObject]: ... # general case @overload async def request(self, method_name: str, /, *data: str | int) -> Any: ...
[docs] async def request(self, method_name: str, /, *data: str | int) -> Any: """ Makes a direct request to the HiRez API. For all methods available (and their parameters), `please see Hi-Rez API docs. <>`_ Parameters ---------- method_name : str The name of the method requested. This shouldn't include the reponse type as it's added for you. *data : int | str Method parameters requested to add at the end of the request, if applicable. These should be either integers or strings. Returns ------- str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] A raw server's response as a string, list or a dictionary (depending on the endpoint). Raises ------ HTTPException Whenever it was impossible to fetch the data in a reliable manner.\n Check the `HTTPException.cause` attribute for the original exception (and reason) that lead to this. Unauthorized When the developer's ID (devId) or the developer's authentication key (authKey) are deemed invalid. Unavailable When the Hi-Rez API switches to emergency mode, and no data could be returned at this time. LimitReached Your daily limit of requests has been reached. """ last_exc = None method_name = method_name.lower() for tries in range(5): # pragma: no branch try: # prepare the URL req_stack = [self.url, f"{method_name}json"] if method_name == "createsession": timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") req_stack.extend( (self.__dev_id, self._get_signature(method_name, timestamp), timestamp) ) elif method_name == "testsession" and len(data) == 1 and data[0]: timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") req_stack.extend(( self.__dev_id, self._get_signature(method_name, timestamp), str(data[0]), timestamp, )) elif method_name != "ping": async with self._session_lock: now = datetime.utcnow() if now >= self._session_expires: session_response = await self.request("createsession") # recursion session_id = session_response.get("session_id") if not session_id: raise Unauthorized self._session_key = session_id self._session_expires = now + SESSION_LIFETIME # reacquire the current time timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") req_stack.extend(( self.__dev_id, self._get_signature(method_name, timestamp), self._session_key, timestamp, )) if data: req_stack.extend(map(str, data)) req_url = '/'.join(req_stack) logger.debug(f"endpoint.request: {method_name}: {req_url}") # request async with self._http_session.get( req_url, timeout=_get_timeout(method_name) ) as response: # Handle special HTTP status codes if response.status == 503: # '503: Service Unavailable' raise Unavailable # Raise for any other error code response.raise_for_status() res_data: str | list[dict[str, Any]] | dict[str, Any] = await response.json() # handle some ret_msg errors, if possible if res_data: if isinstance(res_data, list) and isinstance(res_data[0], dict): error = res_data[0].get("ret_msg") elif isinstance(res_data, dict): error = res_data.get("ret_msg") else: error = None if error: # Invalid session if error == "Invalid session id.": # Invalidate the current session by expiring it, then retry self._session_expires = datetime.utcnow() continue # Daily limit reached elif error == "Daily request limit reached": raise LimitReached return res_data # When connection problems happen, just give the api a short break and try again. except ( aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError ) as exc: # pragma: no cover last_exc = exc # store for the last iteration raise if isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): logger.warning("Timed out, retrying...") elif isinstance(exc, aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError): logger.warning("Server disconnected, retrying...") else: logger.warning("Connection problems, retrying...") # pass and retry on the next loop # When '.raise_for_status()' generates this one, just wrap it and raise except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as exc: logger.exception("Got a response error") raise HTTPException(exc) # When "createsession" raises these recursively - log and pass those along except ( HTTPException, Unauthorized, Unavailable, LimitReached ) as exc: # pragma: no branch if isinstance(exc, Unavailable): logger.warning("Hi-Rez API is Unavailable") if isinstance(exc, Unauthorized): logger.error("You are Unauthorized") elif isinstance(exc, LimitReached): # pragma: no branch logger.error("Daily request limit reached") # don't log HTTPExceptions here raise # Some other exception happened, so just wrap it and propagate along except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover logger.exception("Got an unexpected exception") raise HTTPException(exc) # Sleep before retrying await asyncio.sleep(tries * 0.5 * gauss(1, 0.1)) # pragma: no cover # we've run out of tries, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ # we shouldn't ever end up here, this is a fail-safe logger.exception("Ran out of retries", exc_info=last_exc) # pragma: no cover raise HTTPException(last_exc) # pragma: no cover