Source code for arez.stats

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Literal, cast, TYPE_CHECKING

from . import responses
from .enums import Rank
from .utils import Duration, _convert_timestamp
from .mixins import CacheObject, WinLoseMixin, KDAMixin

    from .enums import Queue
    from .cache import CacheEntry
    from .champion import Champion
    from .player import PartialPlayer, Player

__all__ = [

[docs]class DataUsed: """ Represents API usage statistics. You can get this from the `PaladinsAPI.get_data_used` method. .. note:: API sessions are automatically managed by the wrapper. The data provided here is meant solely for the API usage tracking purposes. .. note:: The statistics are calculated over a rolling 24 hours window, meaning that each time you use one request, you will be getting it back exactly 24 hours later. Thus, there is no particular time at which these stats reset. Attributes ---------- timestamp : datetime.datetime A timestamp of when these statistics were fetched. active_sessions_used : int The amount of active sessions currently being used. active_sessions_limit : int The maximum amount of active sessions you're allowed to have at the same time.\n The default value is ``50``. sessions_used : int The amount of sessions used within the last 24 hours. sessions_limit : int The maximum amount of sessions you're allowed to use within 24 hours.\n The default value is ``500``. sessions_lifetime : int The amount of time, in minutes, that needs to pass since your last request, for the session to be closed.\n Your next request is going to automatically start another session. requests_used : int The amount of requests used within the last 24 hours. requests_limit : int The maximum amount of requests you're allowed to use within 24 hours.\n The default value is ``7500``. """ def __init__(self, data: responses.DataUsedObject): self.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() self.active_sessions_used: int = data["Active_Sessions"] self.active_sessions_limit: int = data["Concurrent_Sessions"] self.sessions_used: int = data["Total_Sessions_Today"] self.sessions_limit: int = data["Session_Cap"] self.sessions_lifetime: int = data["Session_Time_Limit"] self.requests_used: int = data["Total_Requests_Today"] self.requests_limit: int = data["Request_Limit_Daily"] @property def active_sessions_remaining(self) -> int: """ The amount of active sessions remaining. :type: int """ return self.active_sessions_limit - self.active_sessions_used @property def sessions_remaining(self) -> int: """ The amount of sessions remaining. :type: int """ return self.sessions_limit - self.sessions_used @property def requests_remaining(self) -> int: """ The amount of requests remaining. :type: int """ return self.requests_limit - self.requests_used @property def active_sessions_usage(self) -> float: """ The percentage of active sessions used. :type: float """ return self.active_sessions_used / self.active_sessions_limit @property def sessions_usage(self) -> float: """ The percentage of sessions used. :type: float """ return self.sessions_used / self.sessions_limit @property def requests_usage(self) -> float: """ The percentage of requests used. :type: float """ return self.requests_used / self.requests_limit @property def active_sessions_remaining_usage(self) -> float: """ The percentage of active sessions remaining. :type: float """ return self.active_sessions_remaining / self.active_sessions_limit @property def sessions_remaining_usage(self) -> float: """ The percentage of sessions remaining. :type: float """ return self.sessions_remaining / self.sessions_limit @property def requests_remaining_usage(self) -> float: """ The percentage of requests remaining. :type: float """ return self.requests_remaining / self.requests_limit
[docs]class Stats(WinLoseMixin): """ Represents casual player stats. You can find these on the `Player.casual` attribute. Attributes ---------- wins : int The amount of wins. losses : int The amount of losses. leaves : int The amount of times player left / disconnected from a match. """ def __init__(self, stats_data: responses.PlayerObject | responses.RankedStatsObject): super().__init__( wins=stats_data["Wins"], losses=stats_data["Losses"], ) self.leaves = stats_data["Leaves"] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.wins}/{self.losses} ({self.winrate_text})"
[docs]class RankedStats(Stats): """ Represents ranked player stats. You can find these on the `Player.ranked_keyboard` and `Player.ranked_controller` attributes. Attributes ---------- type : Literal["Keyboard", "Controller"] The type of these stats. wins : int The amount of wins. losses : int The amount of losses. leaves : int The amount of times player left / disconnected from a match. rank : Rank The player's current rank. points : int The amount of TP the player currently has. position : int The leaderboard position. season : int The current ranked season. """ def __init__( self, type_name: Literal["Keyboard", "Controller"], stats_data: responses.RankedStatsObject ): super().__init__(stats_data) self.type = type_name self.rank = Rank(stats_data["Tier"]) self.season = stats_data["Season"] self.points = stats_data["Points"] self.position = stats_data["Rank"]
# self.prev_mmr = stats_data["PrevRank"] # self.trend = stats_data["Trend"]
[docs]class ChampionStats(WinLoseMixin, KDAMixin): """ Represents player's champion stats. You can get these from the `PartialPlayer.get_champion_stats` method. Attributes ---------- wins : int The amount of wins with this champion. losses : int The amount of losses with this champion. kills : int The amount of kills with this champion. deaths : int The amount of deaths with this champion. assists : int The amount of assists with this champion. player : PartialPlayer | Player The player these stats are for. champion : Champion | CacheObject The champion these stats are for.\n With incomplete cache, this will be a `CacheObject` with the name and ID set. queue : Queue | None The queue these starts are for.\n `None` means these stats are for all queues. level : int The champion's mastery level.\n Will be ``0`` if these stats represent a single queue only. experience : int The amount of experience this champion has. Will be ``0`` if these stats represent a single queue only. last_played : datetime.datetime A timestamp of when this champion was last played, either in the given queue, or across all queues. credits : int The amount of credits earned by playing this champion. playtime : Duration The amount of time spent on playing this champion. """ def __init__( self, player: PartialPlayer | Player, cache_entry: CacheEntry | None, stats_data: responses.ChampionRankObject | responses.ChampionQueueRankObject, queue: Queue | None = None, ): WinLoseMixin.__init__( self, wins=stats_data["Wins"], losses=stats_data["Losses"], ) KDAMixin.__init__( self, kills=stats_data["Kills"], deaths=stats_data["Deaths"], assists=stats_data["Assists"], ) self.player: PartialPlayer | Player = player self.queue: Queue | None = queue if queue is None: stats_data = cast(responses.ChampionRankObject, stats_data) champion_id = int(stats_data["champion_id"]) champion_name = stats_data["champion"] else: stats_data = cast(responses.ChampionQueueRankObject, stats_data) champion_id = int(stats_data["ChampionId"]) champion_name = stats_data["Champion"] champion: Champion | CacheObject | None = None if cache_entry is not None: champion = cache_entry.champions.get(champion_id) if champion is None: champion = CacheObject(id=champion_id, name=champion_name) self.champion: Champion | CacheObject = champion self.last_played: datetime = _convert_timestamp(stats_data["LastPlayed"]) self.level = stats_data.get("Rank", 0) self.experience = stats_data.get("Worshippers", 0) self.credits_earned = stats_data["Gold"] self.playtime = Duration(minutes=stats_data["Minutes"]) # "MinionKills" # kills_bot def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{}({self.level}): ({self.wins}/{self.losses}) {self.kda_text}"