Source code for arez.statuspage

from __future__ import annotations

import aiohttp
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Any, Literal, cast

timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20, connect=5)

def _convert_timestamp(stamp: str) -> datetime:
    return datetime.strptime(
        stamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z"
    ).astimezone(timezone.utc).replace(microsecond=0, tzinfo=None)

def _convert_title(text: str) -> str:
    return text.replace('_', ' ').title()

# These has been taken from the status page CSS sheet
colors: dict[str, int] = {
    # Just color names
    "green": 0x26935C,
    "blue": 0x3498DB,
    "yellow": 0xFCCF2C,
    "orange": 0xE8740F,
    "red": 0xE74C3C,

    # Component statuses:
    "operational": 0x26935C,           # green
    "under_maintenance": 0x3498DB,     # blue
    "degraded_performance": 0xFCCF2C,  # yellow
    "partial_outage": 0xE8740F,        # orange
    "major_outage": 0xE74C3C,          # red

    # Incident and Scheduled Maintenance impacts:
    "none": 0x26935C,         # green
    "maintenance": 0x3498DB,  # blue
    "minor": 0xFCCF2C,        # yellow
    "major": 0xE8740F,        # orange
    "critical": 0xE74C3C,     # red

class _Base:
    Represents basic data class.
    def __init__(self, base_data: dict[str, Any]): str = base_data["id"]
        self.created_at: datetime = _convert_timestamp(base_data["created_at"])
        self.updated_at: datetime = _convert_timestamp(base_data["updated_at"])

class _NameBase(_Base):
    Represents basic named data class.
    color = 0

    def __init__(self, base_data: dict[str, Any]):
        super().__init__(base_data) str = base_data["name"]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {}"

    def colour(self) -> int:
        Color attribute alias.
        return self.color

class _BaseComponent(_NameBase):
    Represents basic component data class.
    def __init__(self, comp_data: dict[str, Any]):
        self.status = cast(
                "Under Maintenance",
                "Degraded Performance",
                "Partial Outage",
                "Major Outage",
        self.color: int = colors[comp_data["status"]]
        self.incidents: list[Incident] = []
        self.maintenances: list[Maintenance] = []

class _BaseEvent(_NameBase):
    Represents basic event data class.
    def __init__(self, event_data: dict[str, Any]):
        self.status: str = _convert_title(event_data["status"])
        self.impact: str = _convert_title(event_data["impact"])
        self.color: int = colors[event_data["impact"]]
        self.components: list[Component] = []

[docs]class Update(_Base): """ Represents an incident or scheduled maintenance status update. Attributes ---------- id : str The ID of the update. created_at : datetime.datetime The time when this update was created. updated_at : datetime.datetime The last time this update was updated. description : str Description explaining what this update is about. status : str The status of this update. """ def __init__(self, update_data: dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(update_data) self.description: str = update_data["body"] self.status: str = _convert_title(update_data["status"]) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.status}: {self.description}"
[docs]class Incident(_BaseEvent): """ Represents an incident. Attributes ---------- id : str The ID of the incident. created_at : datetime.datetime The time when this incident was created. updated_at : datetime.datetime The last time this incident was updated. name : str The name of the incident. status : Literal["Investigating", "Identified", "Monitoring", "Resolved", "Postmortem"] The current incident's status. impact : Literal["None", "Minor", "Major", "Critical"] The impact of this incident. color : int The color associated with this incident (based on impact).\n There is an alias for this under ``colour``. components : list[Component] A list of components affected by this incident. updates : list[Update] A list of updates this incident has. last_update : Update The most recent update this incident has. """ def __init__(self, inc_data: dict[str, Any], comp_mapping: dict[str, Component]): super().__init__(inc_data) self.status: Literal["Investigating", "Identified", "Monitoring", "Resolved", "Postmortem"] self.impact: Literal["None", "Minor", "Major", "Critical"] self.updates: list[Update] = [Update(u) for u in inc_data["incident_updates"]] self.last_update: Update = self.updates[0] for comp_data in inc_data["components"]: comp = comp_mapping.get(comp_data["id"]) if comp: # pragma: no branch self.components.append(comp) comp._add_incident(self)
[docs]class Maintenance(_BaseEvent): """ Represents a (scheduled) maintenance. Attributes ---------- id : str The ID of the maintenance. created_at : datetime.datetime The time when this maintenance was created. updated_at : datetime.datetime The last time this maintenance was updated. name : str The name of the maintenance. status : Literal["Scheduled", "In Progress", "Verifying", "Completed"] The current maintenance's status. impact : Literal["Maintenance"] The impact of this maintenance. color : int The color associated with this maintenance (based on impact).\n There is an alias for this under ``colour``. components : list[Component] A list of components affected by this maintenance. scheduled_for : datetime.datetime The planned time this maintenance is to start. scheduled_until : datetime.datetime The planned time this maintenance is to end. updates : list[Update] A list of updates this maintenance has. last_update : Update The most recent update this maintenance has. """ def __init__(self, main_data: dict[str, Any], comp_mapping: dict[str, Component]): super().__init__(main_data) self.status: Literal["Scheduled", "In Progress", "Verifying", "Completed"] self.impact: Literal["Maintenance"] self.scheduled_for: datetime = _convert_timestamp(main_data["scheduled_for"]) self.scheduled_until: datetime = _convert_timestamp(main_data["scheduled_until"]) self.updates: list[Update] = [Update(u) for u in main_data["incident_updates"]] self.last_update: Update = self.updates[0] for comp_data in main_data["components"]: comp = comp_mapping.get(comp_data["id"]) if comp: # pragma: no branch self.components.append(comp) comp._add_mainenance(self)
[docs]class Component(_BaseComponent): """ Represents a status component. Attributes ---------- id : str The ID of the component. created_at : datetime.datetime The time when this component was created. updated_at : datetime.datetime The last time this component was updated. name : str The name of the component. status : Literal["Operational",\ "Under Maintenance",\ "Degraded Performance",\ "Partial Outage",\ "Major Outage"] The current component's status. color : int The color associated with this component (based on status).\n There is an alias for this under ``colour``. group : ComponentGroup | None The component group this component belongs to.\n Can be `None` if it belongs to no group. incidents : list[Incident] A list of incidents referring to this component. maintenances : list[Maintenance] A list of maintenances referring to this component. """ def __init__(self, group: ComponentGroup | None, comp_data: dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(comp_data) ComponentGroup | None = group if group: # pragma: no branch group._add_component(self) def _add_incident(self, incident: Incident): self.incidents.append(incident) if # pragma: no branch def _add_mainenance(self, maintenance: Maintenance): self.maintenances.append(maintenance) if # pragma: no branch
[docs]class ComponentGroup(_BaseComponent): """ Represents a component's group. Attributes ---------- id : str The ID of the component group. created_at : datetime.datetime The time when this component group was created. updated_at : datetime.datetime The last time this component group was updated. name : str The name of the component group. status : Literal["Operational",\ "Under Maintenance",\ "Degraded Performance",\ "Partial Outage",\ "Major Outage"] The current component group's status.\n This represents the worst status of all of the components in a group.\n ``Under Maintenance`` is considered second worst. color : int The color associated with this component (based on status).\n There is an alias for this under ``colour``. components : list[Component] A list of components this group has. incidents : list[Incident] A list of incidents referring to components of this group. maintenances : list[Maintenance] A list of scheduled maintenances referring to components of this group. """ def __init__(self, group_data: dict[str, Any]): super().__init__(group_data) self.components: list[Component] = [] def _add_component(self, comp: Component): self.components.append(comp) def _add_incident(self, incident: Incident): if incident not in self.incidents: self.incidents.append(incident) def _add_mainenance(self, maintenance: Maintenance): if maintenance not in self.maintenances: self.maintenances.append(maintenance)
[docs]class CurrentStatus: """ Represents the current server's status. Attributes ---------- id : str The ID of the status page. name : str The name of the status page. updated_at : datetime.datetime The timestamp of when the current status was last updated. status : Literal["All Systems Operational",\ "Major System Outage",\ "Partial System Outage",\ "Minor Service Outage",\ "Degraded System Service",\ "Partially Degraded Service",\ "Service Under Maintenance"] The current overall page's status. impact : Literal["None", "Minor", "Major", "Critical"] The current overall page's impact. color : int The color associated with this status (based on impact).\n There is an alias for this under ``colour``. components : list[Component] A list of components this status page contains. This doesn't include groups. groups : list[ComponentGroup] A list of component groups this status page contains. This includes groups only. incidents : list[Incident] A list of current incidents. maintenances : list[Maintenance] A list of scheduled maintenances. """ def __init__(self, page_data: dict[str, Any]): status = page_data["status"] self.status: Literal[ "All Systems Operational", "Major System Outage", "Partial System Outage", "Minor Service Outage", "Degraded System Service", "Partially Degraded Service", "Service Under Maintenance", ] = status["description"] self.impact: Literal["None", "Minor", "Major", "Critical"] = cast( Literal["None", "Minor", "Major", "Critical"], _convert_title(status["indicator"]), ) self.color = colors[status["indicator"]] self.colour = self.color # color alias page: dict[str, Any] = page_data["page"] str = page["id"] str = page["name"] self.updated_at: datetime = _convert_timestamp(page["updated_at"]) self.groups: list[ComponentGroup] = [ ComponentGroup(c) for c in page_data["components"] if c["group"] ] id_groups: dict[str, ComponentGroup] = { g for g in self.groups} self.components: list[Component] = [ Component(id_groups.get(c["group_id"]), c) # group can be None for c in page_data["components"] if not c["group"] ] id_components: dict[str, Component] = { c for c in self.components} # lookup mappings self._groups: dict[str, ComponentGroup] = { g for g in self.groups} self._groups.update(id_groups) self._components: dict[str, Component] = { c for c in self.components} self._components.update(id_components) self.incidents: list[Incident] = [ Incident(i, id_components) for i in page_data["incidents"] ] self.maintenances: list[Maintenance] = [ Maintenance(sm, id_components) for sm in page_data["scheduled_maintenances"] ]
[docs] def component(self, component: str) -> Component | None: """ Lookup a component of this status by either it's ID or Name. Parameters ---------- component : str The component's ID or Name you want to get. Returns ------- Component | None The component requested.\n `None` is returned if no components matched. """ return self._components.get(component)
[docs] def group(self, group: str) -> ComponentGroup | None: """ Lookup a component group of this status by either it's ID or Name. Parameters ---------- group : str The component group's ID or Name you want to get. Returns ------- ComponentGroup | None The component group requested.\n `None` is returned if no component groups matched. """ return self._groups.get(group)
[docs]class StatusPage: """ An object representing StatusPage access. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the StatusPage you want to get this object for. """ def __init__(self, url: str, *, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None = None): if loop is None: # pragma: no cover loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.url: str = url.rstrip('/') self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout, loop=loop) def __del__(self): self._session.detach() async def close(self): await self._session.close() # pragma: no cover # async with integration async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, traceback): await self._session.close() async def request(self, endpoint: str): for tries in range(5): # pragma: no branch try: async with self._session.get(f"{self.url}/api/v2/{endpoint}") as response: response.raise_for_status() return await response.json() except ( aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError ) as exc: # pragma: no cover last_exc = exc await asyncio.sleep(0.5) raise last_exc # pragma: no cover
[docs] async def get_status(self) -> CurrentStatus: """ Fetches the current statuspage's status. Returns ------- CurrentStatus The current status requested. Raises ------ aiohttp.ClientError When there was an error while fetching the current status. """ response = await self.request("summary.json") return CurrentStatus(response)