Source code for arez.champion

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import List, Dict, Literal, cast, TYPE_CHECKING

from .utils import Lookup
from .mixins import CacheClient, CacheObject
from .enums import DeviceType, AbilityType, Rarity

    from . import responses
    from .items import Device
    from .enums import Language
    from .cache import DataCache

__all__ = [

def _card_ability_sort(card: Device) -> str:
    ability = card.ability
    if type(ability) == CacheObject:
        return f"z{}"  # push the card to the very end

[docs]class Ability(CacheObject): """ Represents a Champion's Ability. You can find these on the `Champion.abilities` attribute. Inherits from `CacheObject`. Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the ability. id : int The ID of the ability. champion : Champion The champion this ability belongs to. description : str The description of the ability. type : AbilityType The type of the ability (currently only damage type). cooldown : int The ability's cooldown, in seconds. icon_url : str A URL of this ability's icon. """ _desc_pattern = re.compile(r" ?<br>(?:<br>)? ?") # replace the <br> tags with a new line def __init__(self, champion: Champion, ability_data: responses.AbilityObject): super().__init__(id=ability_data["Id"], name=ability_data["Summary"]) self.champion = champion desc = ability_data["Description"].strip().replace('\r', '') self.description: str = self._desc_pattern.sub('\n', desc) self.type = AbilityType(ability_data["damageType"], _return_default=True) self.cooldown: int = ability_data["rechargeSeconds"] self.icon_url: str = ability_data["URL"] __hash__ = CacheObject.__hash__
[docs]class Skin(CacheObject): """ Represents a Champion's Skin and it's information. You can get these from the `Champion.get_skins` method, as well as find on various other objects returned from the API. Inherits from `CacheObject`. Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the skin. id : int The ID of the skin. champion : Champion The champion this skin belongs to. rarity : Rarity The skin's rarity. """ def __init__(self, champion: Champion, skin_data: responses.ChampionSkinObject): # pre-process champion and skin name self.champion: Champion = champion skin_name = skin_data["skin_name"] if skin_name.endswith( skin_name = skin_name[:-len(].strip() super().__init__(id=skin_data["skin_id2"], name=skin_name) rarity: str = skin_data["rarity"] self.rarity: Rarity if rarity: # not an empty string self.rarity = Rarity(rarity, _return_default=True) else: self.rarity = Rarity.Default def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self._name} {}" f"({}, {self._id})" )
[docs]class Champion(CacheObject, CacheClient): """ Represents a Champion and it's information. You can find these on the `CacheEntry.champions` attribute, as well as various other objects returned from the API. Inherits from `CacheObject`. .. note:: An object of this class can be `False` in a boolean context, if it's internal state is deemed incomplete or corrupted. For the internal state to be considered valid, there has to be exactly 16 cards and 3 talents assigned to the champion. If you don't plan on accessing / processing those, you can use the ``is not None`` in the check instead. Examples: .. code-block:: py if champion: # champion exists and is valid if not champion: # champion doesn't exist, or exists in an invalid state if champion is not None: # champion exists but might be invalid if champion is None: # champion doesn't exist Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the champion. id : int The ID of the champion. title : str The champion's title. role : Literal["Front Line", "Support", "Damage", "Flank"] The champion's role. lore : str The champion's lore. icon_url : str A URL of this champion's icon. health : int The amount of health points this champion has at base. speed : int The champion's speed. abilities : Lookup[Ability] An object that lets you iterate over all abilities this champion has.\n Use ``list(...)`` to get a list instead. .. note:: Some champions may have more than 5 abilities - this will happen if one of their abilities allows switching other abilities between their states. talents : Lookup[Device] An object that lets you iterate over all talents this champion has.\n Use ``list(...)`` to get a list instead. cards : Lookup[Device] An iterator that lets you iterate over all cards this champion has.\n Use ``list(...)`` to get a list instead. skins : Lookup[Skin] An object that lets you iterate over all skins this champion has.\n Use ``list(...)`` to get a list instead. """ _name_pattern = re.compile(r'([a-z ]+)(?:/\w+)? \(([a-z ]+)\)', re.I) _desc_pattern = re.compile(r'([A-Z][a-zA-Z ]+): ([\w\s\-\'%,.]+)(?:<br><br>|[\r\n]?\n|$)') _url_pattern = re.compile(r'([a-z\-]+)(?=\.(?:jpg|png))') def __init__( self, cache: DataCache, language: Language, champion_data: responses.ChampionObject, devices: List[Device], skins_data: List[responses.ChampionSkinObject], ): CacheClient.__init__(self, cache) CacheObject.__init__(self, id=champion_data["id"], name=champion_data["Name"]) self._language = language self.title: str = champion_data["Title"] self.role = cast( Literal["Front Line", "Support", "Damage", "Flank"], champion_data["Roles"][9:].replace("er", ""), ) self.icon_url: str = champion_data["ChampionIcon_URL"] self.lore: str = champion_data["Lore"] int = champion_data["Health"] self.speed: int = champion_data["Speed"] # Abilities abilities = [] for i in range(1, 6): ability_data = champion_data[f"Ability_{i}"] # type: ignore[misc] # see if this is a composite ability match = self._name_pattern.match(ability_data["Summary"]) if match: # yes - we need to split the data into two sets composites: Dict[str, responses.AbilityObject] = {} name1, name2 = match.groups() composites[name1] = {"Summary": name1} # type: ignore[typeddict-item] composites[name2] = {"Summary": name2} # type: ignore[typeddict-item] descs = self._desc_pattern.findall(ability_data["Description"]) for ability_name, ability_desc in descs: ability_dict = composites.get(ability_name) if ability_dict is None: continue ability_dict["Description"] = ability_desc # modify the URL ability_dict["URL"] = self._url_pattern.sub( ability_name.lower().replace(' ', '-'), ability_data["URL"] ) # copy the rest of attributes ability_dict["Id"] = ability_data["Id"] ability_dict["damageType"] = ability_data["damageType"] ability_dict["rechargeSeconds"] = ability_data["rechargeSeconds"] # add the ability abilities.append(Ability(self, ability_dict)) else: # nope - just append it abilities.append(Ability(self, ability_data)) self.abilities: Lookup[Ability, Ability] = Lookup(abilities) # Talents and Cards cards: List[Device] = [] talents: List[Device] = [] for d in devices: if d.type == DeviceType.Card: cards.append(d) elif d.type == DeviceType.Talent: # pragma: no branch talents.append(d) d._attach_champion(self) # requires the abilities to exist already talents.sort(key=lambda d: d.unlocked_at) cards.sort(key=lambda d: cards.sort(key=_card_ability_sort) Lookup[Device, Device] = Lookup(cards) self.talents: Lookup[Device, Device] = Lookup(talents) # Skins self.skins: Lookup[Skin, Skin] = Lookup( sorted((Skin(self, d) for d in skins_data), key=lambda s: s.rarity.value) ) __hash__ = CacheObject.__hash__ def __bool__(self) -> bool: return len( == 16 and len(self.talents) == 3
[docs] async def get_skins(self) -> List[Skin]: """ Returns a list of skins this champion has. .. note:: This information is cached under the `skins` attribute. Returns ------- List[Skin] The list of skins available for this champion. """ response = await self._api.request("getchampionskins",, self._language.value) self.skins = Lookup( sorted((Skin(self, skin_data) for skin_data in response), key=lambda s: s.rarity.value) ) return list(self.skins)